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A New York Times bestseller. Come inside a jury room as one juror leads a starkly divided room to consensus. Join a young CIA officer as he recruits a reluctant foreign agent. And sit with an accomplished surgeon as he tries, and fails, to convince yet another...

Winner of the Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award. Thinkers50 Best Management Books for 2024. We used to think of failure as a problem, to be avoided at all costs. Now, we’re often told that failure is desirable – that we must ‘fail fast, fail often’. The...

Best Summer Business Books 2024, Financial Times Award-winning social psychologist Mary Murphy offers a groundbreaking reconsideration of individual and team success—showing how to create and sustain a growth mindset in any organization’s culture. In Cultures of Growth, award-winning social psychologist Mary C. Murphy argues that mindset transcends...

En esta novela, un muchacho de quince años nos relata su vida en el seno de su familia, en el círculo de sus amigos y en el colegio donde está interno; todo ello en el transcurso de un año pródigo en contrariedades para él. La...

Corporate Governance at the Astana Financial Centre (AIFC) describes the journey to spearhead sound corporate governance at the AIFC and in Kazakhstan. Sound corporate governance, which is based on accountability, transparency and probity, is critical for any financial centre to create trust in and among financial...

How the turmoil of recent years gives leaders an unprecedented opportunity to redesign global strategies and systems and to remobilize toward a smarter, more resilient, and equitable future. How can leaders faced with tremendous global upheaval create more resilient and trustworthy systems? In The Great Remobilization, Olaf...

En este interesantísimo libro, Javier Fernández Aguado ha dado voz al sátrapa Stalin. En una entrevista exhaustiva interpela al más paradigmático revolucionario comunista del siglo XX y segundo mayor asesino en serie de la historia. Con fino rigor intelectual, no exento de ironía en algunos...

¿Te gustan las vacaciones? Acompaña a LILA y su hada madrina a descubrir el nuevo destino que le tiene preparado su padre. Lila comienza las vacaciones con su padre, allí le esperan muchas aventuras, acompañada, como siempre, por su mejor amigo, un oso polar grandullón. Esta...

A hazy vision of a red, hand-held artefact appeared before us in the early stages of putting this issue together. Whether or not this was a natural impulse for survival in the antiquated realm we inhabit as magazine makers in the attention economy, the object...

During periods of environmental and societal upheaval, design has the potential to be a formidable catalyst towards a sustainable future. However, to unleash its full power, significant shifts in both theory and practice are imperative. This book adopts a unique approach, blending anthropological perspectives with...

Un proyecto social nuevo para un nuevo tiempo político En las dos últimas décadas ha resurgido el conflicto en la política. Fenómenos como la crisis de 2008, la pandemia, el cambio climático o la nueva guerra fría han desmontado la ingenua creencia en el triunfo definitivo...

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