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Intuition is very important in life. If we don’t have it, we should develop it. But is it always the best tool we have inside us for making decisions? Lately, it’s been a trendy topic that many of our decisions might be made by intuition. That...

Innovation Engineering is a practical guide to creating anything new – whether in a large firm, research lab, new venture or an innovative student project. The reality is that even talented teams with logical plans often fail. Innovation Engineering provides the framework, process, leadership style,...

Trabajar en mejorar la experiencia del cliente hoy no es una opción: es una obligación para las empresas que quieran existir en los próximos diez años. Y comprender la nueva era digital tecnológica también lo es. El primer reto para volver a posicionar tu...

This is an agile textbook that includes that most important concepts of a standard strategy course, competitive and corporate. It is a perfect theory complement to a case-based course Marco S. Giarratana Marco S. Giarratana...

Un prólogo, cuarenta y seis capítulos, un epílogo, y un alter ego que se incorpora a la narración casi desde el comienzo de la misma. Eso es todo lo que necesita Ascanio para hacer un recorrido por su memoria gastronómica. . ...

Business decisions are not just based on abstract theories or models. They reflect a world view of how a company operates and the philosophy of management that it follows. Even denying any connection between management and values is a philosophical statement in itself. Santiago...

There are various types of leadership. Positive leadership generates emulation. This type of leadership exemplifies a series of skills, qualities and aptitudes that make it possible to achieve objectives within a company, an institution, and society in general. Being able to share experiences, learnt...

Cercanos al final del primer cuarto del siglo XXI e inmersos en un mundo crecientemente digitalizado y abierto a nuevas e inquietantes incertidumbres, muchos profesionales se preguntan sobre la validez y utilidad de los modelos clásicos de valoración de activos, y por tanto,...

To us, just like to most people, cooking is about the preparation of food. At the same time, it is also a process and an experience, and, in some cases, it can even be a passion or a profession. However, what nearly everyone...

In this book the science and practice behind this together, with a specific focus on the professional context. We will provide you with a playbook of practices and exercises that you can immediately integrate in your day-today life. We include insights from world-leading experts in...

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