A young Latin tutor—penniless and bullied by a violent father—falls in love with an extraordinary, eccentric young woman. Agnes is a wild creature who walks her family’s land with a falcon on her glove and is known throughout the countryside for her unusual gifts as...

El Derecho de la Unión Europea es una obra que aborda, de forma exhaustiva y clara, las bases constitucionales de la Unión Europea. En un tiempo de grandes incertidumbres, el sistema jurídico es una de las principales fortalezas de la Unión. Esta obra expone detalladamente...

Innovation is the key to making your business go the distance. Innovate or die, they say. But where does innovation lie? The answer is in your people. Far from being the privilege of the unicorns of Silicon Valley, innovation is not dependent on business model, structure...

“Racism is a heart disease,” writes Ruth King, “and it’s curable.” Exploring a crucial topic seldom addressed in meditation instruction, this revered teacher takes to her pen to shine a compassionate, provocative, and practical light into a deeply neglected and world-changing domain profoundly relevant to...

Hay quien dice que solo se trata de llenar el vacío, y más en concreto, el vacío de nuestras cavidades. Por ello, con frecuencia nos obsesiona alguna de ellas, sea esta la del sexo, el corazón, o la de la misma cabeza, aparentemente la más...

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