Le Prix a Payer, written by Lucile Quillet, is an eye-opening story that exposes some gender equality issues so deeply rooted in our society that usually go unnoticed. In this thought-provoking book, the author gives voice to all those women who suffer in silence the...

Papá puede dibujar el mundo y construir un velero en el sótano. Mamá es preciosa, lleva siempre zapatos de tacón y vive rodeada de libros. María, la niñera, habla en calabrés y tiene un corazón superlativo. Y luego están los chicos y la pequeña Nana,...

La versión de Google Analytics que cambió el mundo del marketing y de la analítica digital ha muerto, y los profesionales y las empresas que quieran seguir midiendo tienen que estar preparados para el gran cambio. Google Analytics 4. Mide y vencerás es la continuación del libro...

A longer life is characterized by constant changes, requiring greater flexibility and adaptability, as well as significant transformations. It involves making important decisions, alternating between multiple stages, resizing how we use time, and restructuring life cycles. The lack of previous parameters and references adds an...

What constitutes a sovereign wealth fund is contested. In general, however, it is a state-sponsored institutional investor that is answerable only to the state and makes investments according to the interests and mandate of that state. Different types of funds have emerged in the context...

My Body is a profoundly personal exploration of feminism, sexuality, and power, of men’s treatment of women and women’s rationalizations for accepting that treatment. These essays chronicle moments from Ratajkowski’s life while investigating the culture’s fetishization of girls and female beauty, its obsession with and contempt...

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