El mundo en el que vivimos está lleno de incertidumbre y de cambios constantes. Además, todos nos enfrentamos en nuestra vida a grandes desafíos y difi cultades. Es normal que nos sintamos frecuentemente abrumados y sobrepasados en el plano emocional, con altos...

This is an agile textbook that includes that most important concepts of a standard strategy course, competitive and corporate. It is a perfect theory complement to a case-based course Marco S. Giarratana Marco S. Giarratana...

Un prólogo, cuarenta y seis capítulos, un epílogo, y un alter ego que se incorpora a la narración casi desde el comienzo de la misma. Eso es todo lo que necesita Ascanio para hacer un recorrido por su memoria gastronómica. . ...

La Customer Experience es una disciplina con una demanda creciente que despierta mucho interés. Solo en países de habla hispana hay 49.500 búsquedas al mes por Google del término "Customer Experience". Pocos son los profesionales que saben del tema y que ofrecen...

This book tackles the ethical problems of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” (4IR) and offers readers an overview of the ethical challenges connected to Artificial Intelligence (AI), encryption, and the finance industry. It specifically focuses on the situation of females in these industries,...

Business decisions are not just based on abstract theories or models. They reflect a world view of how a company operates and the philosophy of management that it follows. Even denying any connection between management and values is a philosophical statement in itself. Santiago...

Family business is the dominant form of business throughout the world, both in emerging economies and in developed countries. Family businesses are typically rooted in tradition but they are also able to develop innovative mindsets and culture. What is exactly long-term success for a...

This product is a Sofia course Bart Wauters Professor Wauters lectures on European Legal History and Legal Thought at IE University since 2011. His research activities focus on the history of the concept of property,...

Cercanos al final del primer cuarto del siglo XXI e inmersos en un mundo crecientemente digitalizado y abierto a nuevas e inquietantes incertidumbres, muchos profesionales se preguntan sobre la validez y utilidad de los modelos clásicos de valoración de activos, y por tanto,...

In this book the science and practice behind this together, with a specific focus on the professional context. We will provide you with a playbook of practices and exercises that you can immediately integrate in your day-today life. We include insights from world-leading experts in...

Este libro quiere que desarrolles, aumentes, multipliques y potencies al máximo tu mentalidad de crecimiento, tu capacidad de desarrollo, con especial hincapié en la visión espacial, el esfuerzo, la disciplina y el pensamiento lateral para que maximices todo tu potencial. Para ello el...

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