In today’s world, innovation isn’t just a competitive advantage—it’s a necessity. The Innovator’s Edge by Daniel Strode, author of The CultureAdvantage, is your essential guide to building a culture where creativity and adaptability are not only encouraged but expected. Packed with actionablestrategies, real-world examples, and expert...

Authenticity is the most important attribute for success in business and in life. The traditional “command and control” leader is giving way to the authentic leader who motivates and inspires from within. Authenticity is a surprising journey that begins when you commit to being self-aware,...

En Manual para la dirección de proyectos analizamos como cada día va en aumento la cantidad de nuevos proyectos, por lo que las habilidades de gestión de ellos se han vuelto esenciales para todos los líderes y directivos. No obstante, el fracaso de estas iniciativas...

Arte, ciencia, gobierno de personas… Existen tantas manera de entender el management como personas hay en el mundo. Pero las definiciones solo cobran sentido cuando detrás de ellas se encuentran profesionales con muchas horas de estudio, reflexión, trabajo y experiencia. Las 16 figuras que recoge este libro...

What is inspirable about? Inspirable is the capacity to make yourself more permeable to the positive behaviors of those who you connect to. Inspirable is about bonding. Seeing people who you relate to, just normal people, facing many challenges to develop, is what gets you...

While most managers are primarily concerned with being able to make decisions quickly, manage meetings efficiently and drive innovation, there is often little time for reflection in a business world where opinions must be formed and decisions taken on the hoof. It often seems counterintuitive...

Cuando los españoles llegaron a América en 1492 hallaron los dos inmensos imperios de aztecas e incas involucrados en guerras civiles y de expansión. Los mayas habían sido hasta poco antes otros jugadores importantes. Esos tres pueblos desarrollaron sistemas de gobierno, formación, selección, crecimiento...

<div style="clear:both"> <p>We get to write a new page of our lives each and every day. No matter what the day holds, we go to sleep and reset for the new one ahead. Each daily reset gives us an opportunity to improve, by small yet...

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