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As a result of the recent financial crisis, new ways of doing finance have developed, creating alternatives to the regular financial system. This book explores non-conventional banking and financing mechanisms in detail, with case studies and examples in which these alternative methods have succeeded....

The recent international financial turbulences have been severe and far reaching in their magnitude and consequences. Neither any country nor any sector seems to have been spared from their effects. The higher education sector is not an exception; particularly the programs offered in business and...

This product is a Sofia course Bart Wauters Professor Wauters lectures on European Legal History and Legal Thought at IE University since 2011. His research activities focus on the history of the concept of property,...

In the past, neo-tribalism in a Western context has been feared as leading to blindness or irrationality. In today's business world, tribalism represents a conscious separation of the individual ego for the good of the community. This is the key to understanding the success of...

¿Se pueden usar en España los métodos de enseñanza del Derecho para formar abogados que se siguen en Estados Unidos? Este libro pretende dar respuesta a esta pregunta y para ello compara las metodologías de formación de abogados en ambos países (en particular el método...

¿Es posible perdurar en el tiempo? ¿Existe la fórmula del éxito? ¿Hay vínculos entre el éxito personal y el profesional? ¿Disponemos de herramientas que permitan alcanzar la longevidad en el SXXI? Hoy en día para dirigir hay que dominar los temas de moda: customer experience,...

Madrid. 22 cm. 199 p. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Colección 'AE. Colección IE Business Publishing'. Prólogo de José Manuel Velasco ; epílogo de Núria Vilanova. Incluye códigos QR para acceso al libro en línea. Bibliografía: p. 199. Comunicación en la gestión. Soriano,...

Luxury products are now seen by a growing number of global consumers as an important and more widely available way of expressing personal aspirations and values. Most consumers of luxury products and services use them as status symbols and symbols of success. However, the definition...

<div style="clear:both"> <p> Executive education is a billion dollar industry that has the potential to transform individual and organizational performance, but in too many cases the decision whether or not to lavish it upon any given manager comes down to whether the fear that they...

<div style="clear:both"> <p> he book includes chapters from different Portuguese academics in Accounting and Management Control. It claims that accounting and management control is not just about the study of techniques but also the context where those techniques are designed, implemented, and used....

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