While most managers are primarily concerned with being able to make decisions quickly, manage meetings efficiently and drive innovation, there is often little time for reflection in a business world where opinions must be formed and decisions taken on the hoof. It often seems counterintuitive...

What constitutes a sovereign wealth fund is contested. In general, however, it is a state-sponsored institutional investor that is answerable only to the state and makes investments according to the interests and mandate of that state. Different types of funds have emerged in the context...

Hay quien dice que solo se trata de llenar el vacío, y más en concreto, el vacío de nuestras cavidades. Por ello, con frecuencia nos obsesiona alguna de ellas, sea esta la del sexo, el corazón, o la de la misma cabeza, aparentemente la más...

Business education and executive development has been one of the most fascinating industries in the world and the fastest growing segment of higher education over the past decades. Today, it is experiencing change on a scale unprecedented since the foundation of the first business...

En Resetea tu mente el doctor Mario Alonso Puig nos muestra aspectos sorprendentes y muchas veces desconocidos de la fascinante relación que existe entre el cerebro, la mente y aquello que nos sucede. Si deseamos aumentar la autoestima y potenciar capacidades como la inteligencia,...

Esta antología reúne a 100 autores esenciales de la literatura contemporánea en castellano y su obra breve, es decir, piezas poéticas, epigramas, soleares, greguerías, aforismos, apotegmas, proverbios, aerolitos, paremias, sentencias, máximas, décimas, doloras, humoradas, haikus, tankas...

In the 49 L&D Toolbook, Nick van Dam and Jan Rijken provide a unique compendium to support L&D professionals in their roles. Each of the 49 tools addresses a relevant, urgent, everyday L&D question, providing an explanation of the opportunity as well as best...

Business decisions are not just based on abstract theories or models. They reflect a world view of how a company operates and the philosophy of management that it follows. Even denying any connection between management and values is a philosophical statement in itself. Santiago...

There are various types of leadership. Positive leadership generates emulation. This type of leadership exemplifies a series of skills, qualities and aptitudes that make it possible to achieve objectives within a company, an institution, and society in general. Being able to share experiences, learnt...

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