It is estimated that, over the next 25 years, 50% to 60% of family business wealth will be transferred to a new generation globally. This will take place in a context defined by technological disruption, globalization, and continuous geopolitical and economic challenges, where family businesses...

In a constantly evolving business world, how can non-listed mid-cap companies ensure their growth and remain competitive? “How to Transform from the Board” presents itself as the definitive answer to these challenges, offering a practical and strategic guide from the core of business leadership: the...

How should companies and social organizations participate in public debate? What role do they play in established democracies? How can they engage citizens in major economic transformations? Public advocacy has become a new superpower for organizations. This business practice, well established in the Anglo-Saxon world and...

Seven Dynamics for Authentic Management In a constantly evolving business world, where competition is fierce, market dynamics change at lightning speed, and consumer expectations have never been higher, organizations face the challenge of continuously reinventing themselves. The temptation to prioritize short-term profits can be great, but it...

Este libro es una lectura obligada para los que quieran conocer los secretos de aquellas compañías que logran crecer siempre, incluso en entornos turbulentos. Escrito por Gabriel Weinstein y Ezequiel Kieczkier, especialistas en transformación organizacional, como resultado de más de 10 años de análisis sobre los...

In the realm of financial trading, the interplay between individual psychology and market behavior is often overlooked. Mind Over Markets: The MBTI Trader’s Blueprint for Success bridges this gap by integrating the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) with trading strategies to offer a nuanced perspective on...

Este libro cubre todo el camino que debe recorrer un emprendedor o un ejecutivo de una empresa. Da una visión 360º sobre la gestión empresarial y todo lo que se debe saber a la hora de montar una startup, desde cómo montarla, cómo tener una...

Intuition is very important in life. If we don’t have it, we should develop it. But is it always the best tool we have inside us for making decisions? Lately, it’s been a trendy topic that many of our decisions might be made by intuition. That...

<div style="clear:both"> <p>Strategic Luxury Management is a case-rich and practical overview of how luxury creates value and why some firms are more successful than others. The focus of luxury study has traditionally centered on the clients’ drivers of consumption, their perception of the brand...

This is an agile textbook that includes that most important concepts of a standard strategy course, competitive and corporate. It is a perfect theory complement to a case-based course Marco S. Giarratana Marco S. Giarratana...

Business decisions are not just based on abstract theories or models. They reflect a world view of how a company operates and the philosophy of management that it follows. Even denying any connection between management and values is a philosophical statement in itself. Santiago...

En el pasado, un tótem era un objeto natural o creado por el hombre que en las mitologías de algunas culturas o sociedades se tomaba como símbolo icónico de la tribu o del grupo social. Ahora, mediante una nueva forma de hacer negocios y...

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