In this novel, a fifteen-year-old boy recounts his life within his family, among his circle of friends, and at the boarding school where he resides, all during a year filled with challenges for him. The description is rich in detail. His deep admiration for his...

Wise, often funny, sometimes heart-breaking, Persepolis tells the story of Marjane Satrapi’s life in Tehran from the ages of six to fourteen, growing up during the Iranian Revolution. The intelligent and outspoken child of radical Marxists, and the great-grandaughter of Iran’s last emperor, Satrapi bears witness to a...

With a beautiful, precise, and reflective style, Lucía Bleusvet invites us to accompany the poetic self on a sublime journey: from silence to speech, from darkness to light, from emptiness to emergence. The central themes of “Eclosión”—inner search, the yearning for fulfillment through an attentive gaze...

Chemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing. But it’s the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality. Forced...

The epic and thrilling story of a woman whose life spans the most significant historical moments of the 20th century. From 1920—during the so-called “Spanish flu”—to the 2020 pandemic, Violeta’s life will be much more than just the story of a century. Violeta is born on a...

*Ciutat de Barcelona Award 2023* *Openbank Award for Literature by Vanity Fair as Best New Author* “This novel by an editor passionate about literature is a gem.” – Mercedes Milá A novel about anxiety and the healing power of the stories of the women who came before us. A...

A powerful, heartrending, and insightful novel of a trio of women in Cameroon who dare to rebel against oppressive, long-held cultural traditions―including polygamy and domestic abuse―that define and limit their lives. Three women, three stories, three linked destinies . . . In North Cameroon, well-to-do young Ramla...

One night in April 2014, members of the terrorist organization Boko Haram raided the small town of Chibok in northeast Nigeria and abducted 276 young girls from the local boarding school. The event caused massive, international outrage. Some of the girls were able to escape...

Open your mind, daydream, and enjoy this crazy and fun novel that will show you that without laughter, magic, and fun, life is much more boring. A time-travel romance novel that takes us to Regency London with Megan Maxwell’s unmistakable style. Celeste, a young Spanish woman, and...

En un edificio del barrio de La Latina, en el centro de Madrid, confluyen las vidas de tres mujeres. El pequeño piso interior de la cuarta planta es la casa de Oliva. Está atrapada en una peligrosa relación que ha transformado la pasión del inicio...

Arriving one year after the Haitian-American’s first novel (Breath, Eyes, Memory) alerted critics to her compelling voice, these 10 stories, some of which have appeared in small literary journals, confirm Danticat’s reputation as a remarkably gifted writer. Examining the lives of ordinary Haitians, particularly those struggling...

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