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<div style="clear:both"> <p> Las empresas se enfrentan a tres grandes desafíos: la internacionalización, la innovación y el análisis de itneligencia. Ante estos desafíos es fundamental introducir e incorporar la inteligencia económica y competitiva. Cada vez resulta más determinante tener información fiable y capacidad...

<div style="clear:both"> <p>Analyzing countries from an economic perspective is the logical, and fascinating, next step for those who have studied macro- and international economics. As we approach country data, we often can observe the normal relationships studied in macroeconomics. When we do not observe...

Central banks do not print growth. The financial crisis was much more than the result of an excess of risk. The same policies that created each subsequent bust are the ones that have been implemented in recent years. This book is about realistic solutions for...

<div style="clear:both"> <p> Students from inside and outside of Europe often have little awareness of the arduous, ambitious and path-breaking project of economic and political integration which European nations embarked upon after World War II. This reader gives a brief but rigorous perspective on...

<div style="clear:both"> <p>The period after the great financial crisis has been a time of challenging old ideas and experimenting with new ones. In few places has this process been more evident than in economics. The media every day is full of news of government...

El presente libro es una recopilación de los ensayos que el autor ha dedicado a un problema clave en nuestro panorama empresarial: la óptima gestión de la reputación y de los valores que dependen de ella. A lo largo de sus páginas, el lector hallará...

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