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En una epoca en la que se nos pide constantemente que nos reinventemos para adaptarnos a las nuevas tecnologias, Cambiar de mentalidad nos muestra como podemos descubrir talentos de los que no eramos conscientes, sin que importe cual es nuestra edad o cuales son nuestros...

Mindshift reveals how we can overcome stereotypes and preconceived ideas about what is possible for us to learn and become.
At a time when we are constantly being asked to retrain and reinvent ourselves to adapt to new technologies and changing industries, this book...

NEW YORK TIMES Editors' Choice

From the Pulitzer Prize-winning critic comes an impassioned critique of America’s retreat from reason

We live in a time when the very idea of objective truth is mocked and discounted by the occupants of the White House. Discredited conspiracy...

Want to have an exciting, custom-built career? The Working Woman’s Handbook can help you create it. It’s the ultimate guide to job satisfaction, filled with practical advice on developing and driving a working life you love. Bursting with actionable tips, this book outlines an agenda...

The most important book yet from the author of the international bestseller The Shock Doctrine, a brilliant explanation of why the climate crisis challenges us to abandon the core “free market” ideology of our time, restructure the global economy, and remake our political systems.

In short,...

One of the world’s leading creative artists, choreographers, and creator of the smash-hit Broadway show, Movin’ Out, shares her secrets for developing and honing your creative talents—at once prescriptive and inspirational, a book to stand alongside The Artist’s Way and Bird by Bird.

All it takes...

Everything you need to know about starting your own independent business—and earning big—through easy-to-understand infographics.

Start your dream business, optimize your freelancing, and max out your earnings with this graphic guide to everything you need to know to work for yourself. The Infographic Guide for Entrepreneurs...

<div style="clear:both"> <p>The defining attributes of the 21st-century economy and Fourth Industrial revolution are innovation, technology, globalization, and a rapid pace of change. Therefore, an organization’s capacity to enhance the capabilities of its workforce and create a culture of continuous learning are vital...

<div style="clear:both"> <p>A human awakening for our digital world. Right now is the best time to be alive. Of course, there are significant challenges in all areas of society, yet we are provided like never before with the tools, communication, awareness, and freedom...

<div style="clear:both"> <p> Globalization has been a key force in the development of business in recent decades. But with nationalism on the rise in Europe, the United States and elsewhere, the future of global trade and international business has been thrown into doubt....

<div style="clear:both"> <p> At the heart of contemporary corporate leadership ies crisis of confidence. Since the financial crash of 2008, distruct of employers among the workforce has dramatically increased due to a lack of authentic leadership. But how do leaders become and remain...

<div style="clear:both"> <p>Imagine only seeing a single number. Everywhere you look, all you can see is eight. You can't spell your name. You can only draw a circle. You can't add two plus three.<p> This was Nathalie Jacob's life after an invasive brain surgery.<p> ...

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