Visualising Glocalization
Glocalization, which can be defined as globalization refracted through the local, has been proposed as one of the most potent and innovative theoretical frameworks in the humanities and social sciences at this moment. However, its full application to and potential for archaeological studies has yet to be realized. For instance, in a debate on interdisciplinary perspectives on the growing use of the glocalization framework across social sciences, held in Cambridge in February 2018, V. Roudometof argued that the specific issue of how the concept should be applied to archaeological research, though, is best left to the people in the field, as they are far more knowledgeable about their own field than outsiders. This book aims to contribute to this debate by applying the glocalization framework to an archaeological dataset composed of a selection of partially and fully excavated villas, their associated architectural spaces, and pavements from Hispania Baetica between the 2nd and the 4th centuries AD. This book is one of the first ones exclusively focusing on glocalization and its application to an archaeological dataset in Roman archaeology. It also constitutes a novel approach to the study of Roman villa spaces, associated architecture, and their pavements. Furthermore, it presents an analytical model which allows other scholars to assess global phenomena across scales in specific territories.
Rubén Montoya es doctor en Arqueología Romana por la Universidad de Leicester. Allí trabajó desde 2016 como investigador del Arts and Humanities Research Council de Reino Unido. En la misma universidad obtuvo su máster en estudios del Mediterráneo Clásico en 2015 y, con anterioridad, desarrolló sus estudios de grado en Historia en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. A lo largo de su vida académica ha estudiado Arqueología Clásica en la Universidad La Sapienza de Roma (2012-2013) y ha sido investigador en la Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología de Roma. En la actualidad desarrolla un proyecto de investigación sobre Pompeya y otros yacimientos arqueológicos del área vesubiana en el Real Instituto Neerlandés de Roma y la Universidad de Alcalá. Desde 2024, es profesor adjunto en IE University – School of Humanities.