Supply Unchained: Trade, Treachery and Transformation Along the Silk Road
“To supply is to engage in the oldest dance” So says Ahmad Ghannoum, as he reflects on the origins of his fascinating journey in supply, trade, andgeopolitics, beginning as a young man in the 2000’s on the modernizing Silk Road and beyond. A sense of adventure is palpable on every page.Whether moving highly perishable bananas all the way from Ecuador through the notoriously rough seaports of Turkey, opening and dominatingmarkets for frozen Arkansas chicken in a struggling, landlocked nation like Kyrgyzstan, or fighting El Niño in hopes of bringing the best butter on earthto the Republic of Georgia, Ghannoum’s persistence, problem-solving, and sheer love of the dance of supply never falter. Supply Unchained is repletewith colorful characters and stories from many continents. The many challenges that Ghannoum faces include intimidation, kidnapping—even murder.Yet in the end, it is the blend of romance of trade and hard-nosed geopolitical insight that makes this book not only page-turning but also crucial toany real understanding of the nature and tactics of the global supply chains that make our world run. Includes a set of practical, actionable businesslessons, drawn from the author’s experiences—as well as a set of maps and original photos that help to orient readers, while underscoring the story’sambitious scope.
Ahmad Ghannoum is a partner at Meirc Training & Consulting, where he leads the Procurement and Supply Chain Management practice and hastrained over 6,000 industry professionals. He previously founded Hilltop Foods—a fresh fruit sourcing company—and has led corporate supply chaindivisions in Turkey and Guinea as well as operated in a management consulting capacity over his 20-year career. He is a Fellow of the CharteredInstitute of Logistics and Transport and an APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional. His enduring ambition has been to make sense of the world ofsupply, the lifeline of everything around us. He lives in Dubai, UAE, with his wife and two children.