Historias de la historia de España
What if the history of Spain were the greatest series you’ve never seen?
Marcelino Lominchar revolutionized social media by revealing that Spain’s past is brimming with moments worthy of the best TV seasons: palace betrayals, unlikely heroes, and plot twists no screenwriter would dare to invent. It all began in a classroom, where he discovered that teaching history with rigor, creativity, and humor could transform the way his students saw the subject. His success on social media led him to create this book, turning the history of Spain into a surprising and accessible adventure for all audiences.
This is a mosaic of extraordinary stories that weave together the epic tale of a unique nation. From Altamira to the Transition, this thrilling journey unveils Spain’s best-kept secrets: Vikings navigating Galician coasts, Madrid as the capital of Armenia, a man from Aragón who changed the Roman calendar, and a “half-man” who defeated the largest English fleet. Spanish emperors ruling Rome, revolutionary scientists, impossible battles, and unforgettable characters all come alive.
From the enigmatic Tartessos to the caliphal library of Córdoba, from Peral’s submarine to the Moncloa Pacts, these pages invite you to rediscover Spain through its brightest and darkest moments. With an engaging and approachable narrative, this book dismantles myths, uncovers surprising truths, and turns history into a fascinating adventure. Get ready to embark on a journey where the past comes to life to illuminate our present—because the history of Spain is the greatest story ever told.
Marcelino Lominchar is a Professor of Geography, History, and Art at the Complutense University of Madrid. He holds a degree in Geography from the same institution and also studied Law at the National Distance Education University (UNED). Additionally, he has completed an Advanced Management Program (AMP) and a Senior Program in Business Management and Communication at IE Business School, as well as a postgraduate degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Alcalá de Henares.
Currently, Lominchar serves as the Director of Executive Education Programs at IE Business School and the Program Manager of Bootcamps at IE University. He is also a professor at IE Business School, where he teaches sessions on the Case Method, Management, and History. Beyond the classroom, he leads guided tours of iconic sites such as Madrid de los Austrias, Madrid de las Letras, and the city of Segovia, an activity he also conducts at IE University in Segovia.